EPICON 7135 CNC machining center: 5 axes - the top performer for your workshop

The heavy duty design and high precision components used in the entire EPICON series ensure perfect milling results. The 13 kW, 5-axis head and optimally equipped drilling assemblies make these machining centers the absolute high performer in your workshop.
Whether panel machining, in solid wood or composite materials – the EPICON CNC machining centers ensure optimum results! The EPICON 7135 is available with a machining depth of 1,500 mm.
Regardless of whether you want to set up the machine table using the practical dot laser, prefer the visual support offered by the unique VISE LED table or the complete automatic Synchro-Drive Table: The EPICON is bound to be your choice!
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Here is what the HOLZ-HER EPICON series offers
- CAMPUS Machine Control
- With 5 interpolating axes
- Effective machining height up to 300 mm
- 10 year guarantee on all linear guides
- Machining in X direction: up to 7,280 mm
- Machining in Y direction: up to 2,100 mm
Here is what the HOLZ-HER EPICON 7135 offers
- With 5 interpolating axes
- Multifunction Machining Head
- Machining in Y direction: up to 1,500 mm
- Highly Flexible Table Concepts
- Extreme Acceleration Values
Technical Details
Powerful 5-axis cutter unit

Proven 5-axis technology - including Beckhoff drives and control
The fulling interpolating 13 kW, 5-axis spindle (standard feature) runs on both sides in ceramic bearings, ensuring extremely high drive holding forces.
For extreme machining work on solid wood the optional PRO torque spindle is ideal. With an output of 18 kW and mechanical brakes on the A and C axes, this machine provides for extreme rigidity and perfect results at high feed rates with maximum chip removal.
Bluetooth Monitoring Chip
Data capture and spindle monitoring
All cutter units on the HOLZ-HER CNC machining centers can be equipped with the "ChipControl" monitoring chip beginning immediately.
All monitored data are transferred to the computer or the viaCockpit app using Bluetooth connectivity. Upon exceeding the safety parameters, an alarm providing all required information is indicated on the machine monitor and on the ViaCondition or viaCockpit display.
The new ChipControl
- indicates vibration resulting from improperly balanced tools or cutter breakage
- indicates minor bearing defects due to a crash, etc.
- monitors the bearing temperature when machining at high spindle loads
- reports spindle or bearing overheating
- provides redundant speed monitoring
- allows prognostic diagnostics for preventative maintenance
CAMPUS 5-axis module - 3D simulation

3D material removal simulation as standard feature
Even the basic versions of the EPICON machines are equipped with our mature 3D material removal simulation feature. The CAMPUS 3D machine simulation can be ordered as an optional feature. This offers:
- Collision monitoring
- Three-dimensional simulation of machine motions and material removal on workpiece
- Graphic representation of machining head, tool and tool collet, table and clamping device.
- Upgrade is possible to the machine simulation described above with display of consoles, suction cups and clamps.
Perfectly optimized 5-axis cutting with the high speed curve performance package
For 5-axis power users, the optional high speed curve performance package offers additional advantages. This allows the first class performance of the 5-axis spindle to be used for effective high speed milling with perfect results. The high speed module is also ideal for increasing the performance in combination with CAD/CAM software from other suppliers and offers perfect spline interpolation.
CAMPUS 5-axis module for simultaneous cutting
The NC HOPS supplement module supports interpolating 5-axis machining in many areas such as:
- 5-axis simultaneous cutting.
- Support of 5-axis interpolation with top and bottom guide curves (simultaneous machining).
- Two contours on defined layers are interpreted as 5-axis machining.
Integrated drilling head with 14 | 21 | 31 spindles

The EPICON 7135 is perfectly equipped with integrated drilling heads.
14 spindles
- Drilling unit with 10 vertical spindles
- Four horizontal spindles (can be upgraded with third additional horizontal spindle in the X direction and second horizontal spindle in the Y direction).
- Integrated grooving saw in X direction (optional second grooving saw in Y direction)
21 spindles
- Drilling unit with 15 vertical spindles
- Six horizontal spindles (can be upgraded with third additional horizontal spindle in the X direction and second horizontal spindle in the Y direction).
- Integrated grooving saw in X direction (optional second grooving saw in Y direction)
31 spindles
- Drilling unit with 25 vertical spindles
- Six horizontal spindles (can be upgraded with third additional horizontal spindle in the X direction and second horizontal spindle in the Y direction).
- Integrated grooving saw in X direction (optional second grooving saw in Y direction)
Machining head - optimized for practice

Drilling, sawing, cutting, grooving – the machining head on the EPICON series is equipped for multifunctional use and is perfect for rational production of simple and complex case parts in continuous operation.
The integrated and compact design makes this machining head a paragon for dynamic action, acceleration and positioning accuracy. Even in the basic equipment, the EPICON series offers a wide machining spectrum.
Lock case cutters for professional door production

Lock case cutting
High performance cutting motors on the optional horizontal cutter unit make the EPICON series a must for professional door producers. On the 5-axes version, this work is of course accomplished by the cutter unit.
- HOLZ-HER also offers a wide matching selection of reliable, high performance changeover units for all types of applications.
Highly flexible machining tables

Standard: Console table – the workpiece support for optimum work progress
Precise machining requires exact and secure positioning of the workpieces. For this purpose, the EPICON series is equipped with a console table. It offers maximum flexibility in all areas of machining; even workpieces with complicated shapes can be clamped quickly and easily.
- Solid consoles with single circuit vacuum system, six easily movable cross-members – with pneumatic clamping feature in X direction. Both right-handed and left-handed users can easily operate the consoles pneumatically at the touch of a button.
- Measuring tapes in the X direction for quickly positioning consoles, laser pointers for precise position of suction cups. Other consoles and suction cups available as options.
- 125 Millimeter high suction cups provide machining head with sufficient clearance on all sides.
- Moving stops, eccentric in hardened guide bushings. Stops can be lowered pneumatically.
- Four pneumatically operated charging aids can be raised and lowered to position heavy workpieces easily. Additional charging aids available as options.
- Two large surface pushbuttons for clamping.
- Additional processing fields for higher capacity (optional).
- Individually switchable vacuum zones prevent vacuum losses.
- High performance vacuum pumps – 100 m³/h.
Optional: Vacuum pumps for 140 m³/h and 250 m³/h.
SynchroDrive machine table
State-of-the-art production technology with up to 50 servo-axes
For high speed, precise and reliable suction cup positioning on workpieces with varying sizes:
- Optionally available with six to ten consoles and three or four suction cup assemblies per console
- Each console and each suction cup assembly has its own high precision servo-motor for positioning
- Up to 50 servo-axes on the SynchroDrive table are synchronized, controlled and positioned to reduce table set-up times to an absolute minimum while simultaneously ensuring exact positioning of the consoles and suction cups on the table
- Various suction cup sizes as well as special suction cups for solid wood and frame clamps adapt the SynchroDrive table to every application
At HOLZ-HER, VISE stands for Visual Setting, providing visual support for the machine operator when setting up the machine. The virtual workpiece positioning feature provides an optimum recommendation for the position of the consoles and suction cups.
Naturally the tools used, as well as the passages, pockets and other machining features are taken into consideration.
The HOLZ-HER LED table with Visual Setting ensures extremely fast, error-free and reliable setup while avoiding machining errors and damage to the suction cups.
Well-thought-through workpiece clamping

CNC machining centers are becoming ever more efficient with the use of intelligent software combined with proven technology. One-piece complete production is now the measure of all things. All parts must be produced to the highest quality standards and with all conceivable processes in a single pass. The concept of "more product capability" opens new horizons. In addition, CNC machining also ensures the resurrection of traditional woodworking joints. Where earlier manual methods involved high-cost processes and large tolerances, these days it's only a matter of a few clicks of the mouse and complex joints are created to the highest levels of precision. In this way, mortised frame doors and swallow-tailed connections are being rediscovered.
Variable system of matched suction cups and workpiece clamps for surface machining including straight and curved frame parts.
Intelligent solid wood machining

The EPICON series offers virtually unlimited possibilities for machining. Constructed for the most highly demanding work, the solid and well-thought-out construction of both machines represents the latest in modern and application-friendly industrial design.
The extreme machining lengths in the X direction make the console table on the CNC machining centers ideal for machining long parts such as components for stairs, winter gardens, etc. Even large door components can be machined in a highly efficient and trouble-free manner in pendular operation. With up to 1,650 mm in the Y direction as well as a Z stroke of 565 mm, the EPICON is perfectly equipped for highly variable, custom machining operations.
Innovative changeover units

Your advantage for high product quality
A variety of changeover units for highly varying applications is available for all machines in the EPICON series. These range from conventional multi-spindle machines, lock box and sawing units to special applications such as hollow cutting chisels and cutting units for machining foam materials, etc.
Angular slewing gears with angle display and central angle adjustment are available for precision angle cuts and holes.
In addition ball measuring sensors ensure precise measurement of the workpiece length, workpiece depth and material thickness including workpiece position correction in the machining program.
Laser pointers as standard feature

Laser pointers for exact position of the suction cups or for tracing the workpiece contours, attached on the right and left sides of the machining head.
Contour laser – the complete positioning solution

Contour laser – projects entire workpiece contour and all required vacuum suction cups simultaneously as well as all console positions without limitation for number of lines to be projected.
Variable safety concepts

Operator safety has absolute priority. This is why the EPICON provides free selection between the extremely robust multiple field foot mat or proximity type light barriers.
SafeDetect - the proximity type safety monitoring feature
State-of-the-art sensor technology offers safety and freedom of motion for the operator thanks to automatic human detection with distance control. The optional SafeDetect technology ensures free access to the EPICON. Smooth and efficient pendulum operation is also guaranteed. The space above the machine table as well as the area in front of the machine is monitored for perfect all-round protection. Laser lines also show the operator the safety range for the moving machine hood. In addition a state-of-the-art guard fence prevents access to the machining center’s operating area at the side and rear.
Efficient vacuum technology

Extremely high performance, efficient vacuum pumps ensure workpiece is held securely. These low maintenance, dry-running pumps are also distinguished by their low noise emissions and extremely low maintenance requirements.
Moreover, our intelligent ECO VAC vacuum control uses a software program to ensure that the required vacuum power is always present when several pumps are used.
Flexible Evacuation

Flexible evacuation – programmable for eight positions
Fully automatic positioning in eight positions on machining head, for perfect adaptation of hood to workpiece height. This guarantees optimum evacuation of chips.
Mobile control panel
Ergonomic design of your workplace is of increasingly greater importance. HOLZ-HER offers a mobile control panel as a standard feature for all EPICON models. This control panel is equipped with a 21.5”, 16:9 multi-touch screen for perfect user convenience. The attached rollers allow the control panel to be positioned for optimum support of the working process.
Technical Details

Maximum efficiency with Holz-Her machine networking
HOLZ-HER realizes your production ideas within 20 minutes from the first mouse click to finished furniture with seamless machine networking.

Energy savings made easy
The intelligent ECO MODE energy management for HOLZ-HER CNC machines not only helps preserve our environment - it also saves you money.