From the Smart Workshop to the Workshop of the Future - Intelligent and Networked Solutions for Every Size of Business
For some time now, digitization has also been the megatrend in the timber industry. The networking of modern information and communication technology with production has taken on concrete, practice-oriented forms - also for the skilled trades and small and medium-sized enterprises.
This is where the concept of the "Smart Workshop" comes in. It is no longer possible to imagine modern production facilities without intelligent, complete solutions that communicate with one another. In keeping with this development, HOLZ-HER offers sophisticated and integrated manufacturing solutions designed for optimisation, transparency and high added value.
Industry 4.0 for artisans - always one step ahead with HOLZ-HER.

Automation of individual production processes
With HOLZ-HER to your "smart workshop".
The HOLZ-HER-Systems project team is the competence centre for forward-looking solutions in wood-based panel processing and is responsible for automation solutions in our company. With our digitalization concept W4.0 digital, we connect your machines with state-of-the-art information and communication technology. It has never been easier to display and automate production sequences in a transparent manner and thus achieve the highest possible added value.
With customer-specific, intelligent manufacturing solutions, we increase the capacity and profitability of your production facility to an optimum. The large number of process automations already implemented worldwide using state-of-the-art machine technology, combined with suitable software solutions, makes HOLZ-HER-Systems the perfect partner for your modern furniture production. We accompany you on your way to future-proof manufacturing solutions and advise you on the possibilities of highly efficient warehouse designs.
The local solution for your production control with the Nesting CNC machines from HOLZ-HER
The Nextec 4.0 solution goes beyond pure machine processing. Nextec 4.0 is the complete solution for entering and controlling production and material flows in the workshop.
The heart of NEXTEC 4.0 is the Smart Factory network PC for efficient, transparent and traceable production in your future workshop.
NEXTEC 4.0 is the local solution for your transparent production control. With the NEXTEC 4.0 Network PC you can digitally connect furniture planning in the office with the machine. All CAD/CAM data created in the office with the planning software is transferred via the Warehouse Production List to the CNC machine in the workshop. Digitalization is simply thought of and tailored to joineries who want their data to remain in their own workshop.
With the extensive selection of sizes and variants for nesting machines on the market, HOLZ-HER offers you not only the networking between office and workshop, but also the matching nesting CNC machine.
Contact the HOLZ-HER expert for your area or your contact person for HOLZ-HER automation solutions.
From the STORE-MASTER panel storage system to the finished furniture across the entire HOLZ-HER machine park. Automation Pro controls your production flow and material management as a superordinate system.
Automation Pro ensures efficient, transparent and traceable production. The solution consists of a master computer with a pre-installed database for the production control of various HOLZ-HER machines and a STORE-MASTER panel storage system. Only a few clicks are required to transfer the production data from the production drawing to the production.

Planning software
Interface to leading manufacturers of CAD/CAM software

400 production-ready carcass furniture - fully customisable. Upgrade to CabinetControl Pro for complete room solutions.

Complete stock of parts for transfer to the CNC machining centre and pressure beam saw.

Better Nest + HHOS
Automatic nesting of nesting plans and optimization of all cutting plans.

One click is all it takes to automatically convert the order list in the background into nesting plans and optimized cutting plans.
Future security for your business with Automation Pro
When working with Automation Pro, you reduce scrap and damage to your materials and workpieces. With automated solutions, you increase your capacity, adherence to schedules and, at the same time, the profitability of your business.
Perfect conditions to be equipped for a successful future. We will be pleased to create an individual solution for you - adapted to your conditions and applications. Contact your HOLZ-HER expert.
Contact persons Automation | Systems

Christian Ehehalt
Project Management HOLZ-HER Systems
Telefon +49 (0) 7022 702 204

Thomas Graf
Key Account Management HOLZ-HER Systems
Mobil: +43 (0) 664 881 497 66

Michael Epp
Key Account Management HOLZ-HER Systems
Mobil +49 (0) 152 09 336 272